TCT 2017 | The limitless potential of PCI octubre 29, 2017 / by / Casos interesantes, Presentaciones internacionales Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest
EuroPCR 2013 | Endoluminal repair of a giant sterile mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the popliteal artery junio 24, 2013 / by / Casos interesantes, Presentaciones internacionales Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest
EuroPCR 2013 | Rotational Atherectomy plus drug-eluting dedicated bifurcation stent to treat a severely calcified bifurcation lesion mayo 30, 2013 / by / Casos interesantes, Presentaciones internacionales Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest
EuroPCR 2012 | Severely calcified CTO in an octogenarian woman mayo 30, 2012 / by / Casos interesantes, Presentaciones internacionales Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest